Raid: shadow legends mastery reset
Raid: shadow legends mastery reset

raid: shadow legends mastery reset raid: shadow legends mastery reset

For example, a character with only basic sets like speed and offense would make great use of the mastery. Whether or not you should use the Lore of Steel mastery on your character in Raid Shadow Legends depends entirely on what artifact sets you plan to use. Should You Use Lore Of Steel In Raid Shadow Legends? That’s obviously not a huge increase, but it’s a % increase, and it does add up. So LoS would increase the HP set bonus on the Divine Life set to 17.25%. So, for example, if you had a Divine Life set on your character with the Lore of Steel mastery, it would increase the HP 15% set bonus, but not the 15% HP shield for three turns due to it not being a basic stat. It does not apply to healing or shield bonuses you get from sets. Lore of Steel applies to HP, attack, defense, speed, crit rate, crit damage, resistance, and accuracy. The mastery works exactly as it says and will only increase set bonuses that increase character stats through a 15% multiplicate increase. How Lore Of Steel Works In Raid Shadow Legends Lore of Steel is located on the 4th tier in the support tree and costs 120 advanced scrolls to unlock. Your champion must be star rank four to get it, and you must have unlocked a mastery in the tier before it. This increase is multiplicative, not additive. It increases the base stat set bonuses of all artifact sets that increase base stats by 15%. Lore of Steel in Raid Shadow Legends is a champion mastery located in the support tree. Conclusion What Is Lore Of Steel In Raid Shadow Legends?.Should You Use Lore Of Steel In Raid Shadow Legends?.How Lore Of Steel Works In Raid Shadow Legends.What Is Lore Of Steel In Raid Shadow Legends?.

Raid: shadow legends mastery reset